Thursday, 13 January 2011

DropBox for file sharing between devices and synchronising Internet Explorer Favourites

DropBox is a pretty simple concept - it keeps copies of a folder, sub-folders and contents synchronised across multiple systems, devices, and the DropBox website. Additionally it keeps a history of file changes so you can retrieve old versions should you experience an oh-no-second (the moment in time when you have done something you regret that it's too late to stop it but the consequences have not yet hit). It's a freemium service - that is there's a free version but to get at certain features you have to pay up. In the case of DropBox you pay for additional capacity.

Using DropBox I can keep files accessible on:
  • my work laptop
  • my commuting net book
  • my Blackberry
  • and my iPad
Keeping work and personal apart
You can create a "Personal" folder and exclude that from syncronising to a work PC should you wish to keep certain files from being copied to work. In converse you can create a "Work" folder that gets copied to your blackberry and work PC but not your home PC for example. You should of course be aware that anything in your DropBox will also be on the DropBox website and this may restrict what corporate information you are able to use it for if any.

Sharing Internet Explorer Favourites between PCs
If like me you work on more than one device you may well have come across the situation where you have a link to something on one PC but are currently working from another. This situation shouldn't arise again if you set things up right. Indeed you will even be able to get at your favourites by accessing the DropBox website!
  1. Open your Favourites
  2. Right click on a folder and click "open"
  3. Navigate up levels until you see the "Favourites" folder
  4. In Windows 7: Right click->Properties->Location and move into your DropBox folder
  5. In older versions of Windows: Move your Favourites folder into your DropBox and use RegEdit to alter the registry key for "HKEY CURRENT USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
Alterations to your Favourites or to your Favourites bar should now be replicated on any PC you have altered to use this new location. (BTW you can create sub-folders in your favourites bar - a useful way of keeping sites organised for rapid access).


P.S. If you found this useful and are not yet signed up to DropBox then please consider using this link ( ) which will get both of us some extra storage space.

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